Pkeconomists is a blog related to Pakistani Economy, its present threats and opportunities, the blog will not only have articles on current economic scenario but also have video programs related to it. The blog is maintained by Syed Nabeel Tirmazi.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
We have migrated...
Monday, November 1, 2010
Post flood economy of Pakistan
Economists are forecasting that at least $24-25 billion will be needed in order to rehabilitate the areas in stable form, but the rehabilitation process is going at a very slow pace. One alarming situation for the government is also being observed, that people are now least interested in what government is saying or doing and neither they are in hope that it will do any good for the masses.
On the other hand the economic situation of the country is getting worse day by day due to poor visions and governance issues of current democratic government. Recently SAFMA arranged a seminar on this issue and invited renowned economists of Pakistan namely, Dr. Ijaz Nabi, Dr. Akmal Hussain and Sartaj Aziz to share their views on the subject. We managed to record their version for my program "Maeshatnama".
Video shared below is discussing the pace of rehabilitation process and the concerns of the government from the journalistic point of view. Mian Shahid, commerce reporter of Waqt News is sharing his ideas on the topic with our host Syed Azhar Bukhari.
Dr. Ijaz Nabi, renowned economist and Dean and Professor of department of Humanities and Social sciences, sharing his views on the subject, that what necessary steps should be taken to smoothen the economic cycles while the country is facing both the economic crisis and rehabilitation process, in video shared below:
Sartaj Aziz, former finance, agriculture, foreign affairs minister of Pakistan and vice chancellor of Beacon House University, shares his views on the subject in video shared below.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monetary Policy of Pakistan 2010-2011
According to the SBP momentary policy document, the recent catastrophic floods have serious implications for macroeconomic stability and growth prospects. However, even before the floods, the macroeconomic conditions and outlook were looking fragile. By the end of FY10, inflation was high and the fiscal deficit had risen to 6.3 percent of GDP. Early assessments indicated that these pressures are unlikely to abate in FY11.
Few days before, I had recorded one of the episode of my program "Maeshatnama" on this topic and invited renowned economists Dr. Shahid A. Zia and Mr. Tariq Asmat to share their views on the topic, that what will be the after effects of such stances of the governments on Pakistani economic cycle.
Video discussing the earlier stances of Governer SBP and current policies, plus did the government had any other option to avail in current economic scenario:
It said that the next quarter would be crucial in forming an assessment of the effectiveness of government’s efforts to contain the fiscal deficit and its inflationary borrowings from the SBP and the banking system. There are assumptions that the process of tightening in monetary policy will further continue. Following video is discussing the after affect of such stance on the economy and inflation.
According to the economic gurus, in Pakistan only salaried class pays its taxes regularly, though due to the fact the salary is given after the deduction of the taxes to the employees, what are the benefits of increasing the tax net in country and what necessary steps should be taken in order to fulfill the targets of FBR, is discussed in the following video.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Threats to Self Reliance of Pakistan
Now seeing such figures one can easily think that on one side we are showing our so-called economic recession and asking for help in terms of loans or donations etc and on the other hand our banks are writing off fresh loans which a very high percentage. According to the figures given by Dr. Khuwaja Amjad Saeed from 1947 to 2007 banks have been writing off loans with the average of 6.8 billion per year but during this "freshly" democratic government this average has reached to 25 billion rupees. Ofcourse, if we have to monitor the companies whom loans have been written off, we still their luxurious lifestyles but on paper who are unable to pay their debts.
Today I am sharing you the program "Maeshatnama" on this topic and it is being discussed by renonwned economist Dr. Khuwaja Amjad Saeed while the program was moderated by Syed Azhar Bukhari and produced by me, Syed Nabeel Tirmazi.
Video discussing how can economy survive while on one hand we are generously writting off local loans and on the hand asking for grants, loans and donations from foriegn banks??
Video discussing role of Supereme Court of Pakistan in this issue:
Video discussing the role of State bank and does it need accountability:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Interview of Dr. Khuwaja Amjad Saeed in program "Meri Kitab Dunya"
Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed discussing his thoughts about Book Reading and how it is important to have such trait in grooming one's whole life. Part 1
Dr. Khuwaja Amjad Saeed discussing his childhood memories related to the habit of bookreading and his mission in the field of business education.
The Book reading segment by Dr. Khuwaja Amjad Saeed from his book "Economy of Pakistan"
Monday, October 4, 2010
Stock Market in Pakistan
Relationship of Economy and Stock Market
Importance of Educating about Stock Market to Entrepreneurs
Giving Financial Educational to the investors in Stock Market
Thursday, August 5, 2010
H2O----High-time 2 Observe
By Rabia Tirmazi
Recently Finance Ministry of Pakistan has issued economic survey of 2009-10 that put blames of majority problems on water crisis in Pakistan. Almost every sector depends on water resources either its power generation, or agriculture. Economists had for seen that water crisis will get worsen in next 25 to 30 years. But government have turned blind eye by not giving importance to this large-scale issue. Although the GDP has increased to 4.1% in year 2009-10 compared to last year’s GDP of 1.2% but main sectors like livestock, agriculture has recorded drastic decline over the years due to serious water crisis. Pakistan is a rich country in natural resources and agriculture was considered to be the backbone of our economy. During 1980’s the contribution of agriculture sector was around 60% of GDP growth rate but this figure has declined to just 29%. This sector is continuing a secular trend of decline over the past several years mainly due to the persistent negligence of government towards this sector.
Total population of Pakistan has increased to 173.51 million and according to a study the country has slipped below 100m3 of water per capita from year 2010. Water unavailability is however another major obstacle to the development of the country in terms of the food security, economic development and industrialization. The water shortage in agriculture sector alone has been estimated 29% for 2010 and 33% for 2025.
Despite all these issues, the current scenario have almost twisted now we have abundant of water in form of floods and heavy rainfalls but we lack water reservoirs and dams. Present dams and reservoirs are full to their capacity and are not enough to control floods. There was no pre-planning for water management our government was just stressing on problems not on solutions or infrastructure development. At the time of water crisis the major solution was to build water dams that could not only solve the problem of water shortage but could help in electricity generation as well. But this problem prolonged due to inter-provinces conflicts. Pakistani economy had to bear huge losses in form of providing the public with alternatives to solution, not the solution.
We have not just forgot the Swat operation in which millions of funds were being allocated for rehabilitation, shelter, maintenance and food purposes and all this happened due to poor security issue in Pakistan. Now once again we are on the same turn that huge funds will be allocated to rehabilitation of flood victims, infrastructure development, and concerning health issues. I am unable to understand where are the government five year plans for economic development? when millions and billions from budget have to be used for rehabilitation or support purposes. Water is neither the main issue nor the flood because it’s a natural disaster; actually it is high-time to observe where we are standing. This is our elected government which is not even eligible to be on their seats anymore. Since the time this government has been elected it has not solved a single issue either its security or energy crisis. Now more than 100,000 households need aid who have lost everything in floods. All this happened due to poor disaster management and poor infrastructure development. This is high time to think over that it’s again a huge loss to our economy in the form of loss of valuable lives, severe damage to crops, agriculture, livestock sector, and destroyed infrastructure of roads and communication.
Our economy is desperately drowning due to the government’s poor management, ineffective policies and under-investment in critical sectors. These matters can not be deferred for much longer and will require enormous resources.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Significance of Pakistan in SAARC
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Women Enterpreneurship in Pakistan
Due to recent economic recession, it is now felt hard that women should be trained in technical and financial skills through proper channels, in order to enhance their productivity regarding their conventional skills. This is the topic discussed in below videos which I produced for Apna News in program Maeshat Nama, the participants are, Dr. Shela Javed Akram,President of Central and North Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Miss Maimoona Sattar, Project Manager of Women Business Center, while the show is modrated by Syed Azhar Bukhari.
Literacy Rate and participation of Women in Pakistani Economy
Business and Financial Skill in Pakistani Women
Women entrepreneurship and International Marketing
Monday, July 12, 2010
Pak-Iran relations & Pakistani Economy
There was a strong opinion by economists that Pakistan-Iran relationships should flourish with its full potential so that it can benefit both the countries and now, when Pakistan is facing many economic crisis it is necessary to join hands with neighbors in good terms.
Initially the gas pipeline project was to be done with participation of Iran, Pakistan and India but after much discussion over 14 years, finally Pakistan and Iran signed the agreement without India. According to the agreement, Iran will provide 750 million cubic feet per day in next 25 years. What will be the impact of this project in Pakistan's economy and what will be the future of Pakistan and Iran relationship despite of the bans imposed by superpowers on Iran and Pakistan being acting submissively to them, the topic was discussed recently in my program Maeshatnama, involving renowned Economist Dr. Qais Aslam and Engr. Iftikhar-ul-Haq and hosted by Syed Azhar Bukhari.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Budget 2010-2011 A Journalistic Appraoch
According to the shows conducted on the Pakistani television channels none of the entities (masses, classes, industrial sector etc.) is happy the way things are announced, the people are saying that neither it is public friendly budget nor indstry friendly the is only IMF-friendly.
Below is the video of my program maeshat-nama moderated by Syed Azhar Bukhari discussing Flaws and Opportunities in this budget 2010-2011 with Sudhir Ch. (Daily Times) and Rizwan Ali (Apna News).
There is also a pessmistic appraoch towards development programs in Pakistan. Experts are commentng that figures presented in PSDP is as always an illusion and wont do any pracitical results.
After the 18th Amendment much of the responsibility is on the shoulders of Provinces and now it is to observe that what they have to tell us. Also video below has renowned economist Dr. Shahid Hassan Sidiqui commenting the after effects of Budget 2010 and predicting that there may be a Mini-Budget observed in Pakistan in October of this year.
The only things that was regarded and appreciated heavily was the 50% increment in Govt. employees (though theses are very few in numbers as compared to population of Pakistan), but majority of basic needs of population has been severly avoided, discussed below by renowned Economists and ex. Finance Minister Dr. Salman Shah.
Now on conclusion of this program, I managed to talk with Omer Ayub Khan, ex. finance minister of Pakistan, that what are the views of Opposition regarding this budget.
As far as whole scenario is observed, I personally think that despite of global recession and effect of terrorism in Pakistan along with energy crisis, the government may think that they had presented the "best budget" but of course one can not deny that many things are avoided which are basic needs of population of Pakistan, and obviously political parties are playing with these issues on there political battlefield as always.
Some News Links related to Budget 2010-2011
Budget Highlights in Daily Times
Budget Highlights in Daily Nation
Budget Highlights in Daily Dawn
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Can Value Added Tax benefit Pakistan's Economy
So with lots of questions about VAT, that whether it could really benefit our economy and will prove a good solution to our long term fiscal problems, I had conducted program based on the subject, inviting renowned economists, Dr. Shahid A. Zia and Dr. Qais Aslam. So below are the videos discussing the subjects. Waiting for your comments.
Significance of Value Added Tax in Pakistan's Economy
Affect of VAT on Pakistan's economy
Benefits of VAT
Friday, April 30, 2010
Shortage of Petrol?

We suddenly recalled our minds that Government has announced an increase in fuel prices from 1st of May 2010, and due to that petrol pumps have created an illusion of shortage of the fuel just in order to store the petrol till the high prices are announced, and most of petrol pumps were closed and their officials were saying that they are short of fuel.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Aid influenced Pakistani Economy
Government had always tried to rely mostly on foreign aid when it comes to deal with such crisis, but the question is that whether an economy can really become stable or can come out of crisis with the help of only foreign aids and not building investment friendly policies.
Another important factor is that in 2009 according to statistics the Expenses bore by Pakistani treasure was $30.05 Billion Est. while its revenues were of $23.21 billion. These are the topics discusses in this shared episode of Maeshat Nama, which was aired on 24th of April 2010 on Apna News, and renowned Economist and Educationists Dr. Shahid Zia and Shafqat Saeed Paracha had participated in the program.
Aid affected Pakistani Economy Part 1
Aid affected Pakistani Economy Part 2
Aid affected Pakistani Economy Part 3
Monday, April 26, 2010
Islamic Banking System in Pakistan
Islamic Banking in Pakistan Part 1
Islamic Banking in Pakistan Part 2
Islamic Banking in Pakistan Part 3