Monday, October 4, 2010

Stock Market in Pakistan

Stock Market is said to be a barometer for any economy. Kenneth Chang said once, A market is the combined behavior of thousands of people responding to information, misinformation and whim, so in other words we can say that behavior of the market shows the different trends in economy. In recent years, there hasn't been a significant development in Pakistani stock market and so is in the case of economy. Today we are sharing videos on the significance of stock market in an economy and what are the potential opportunities and threats related to it. The topic was discussed in program Maeshatnama on Apna News by renowned economist and ex-executive of LSE Dr. Shahid A. Zia while the program was moderated by Syed Azhar Bukhari and produced by Syed Nabeel Tirmazi.

Relationship of Economy and Stock Market

Importance of Educating about Stock Market to Entrepreneurs

Giving Financial Educational to the investors in Stock Market

1 comment:

  1. is islamic banking and finance system is suitable for pakitan to remove disparities?
    here is a conference where lots of scholars are going to deliver lecture. what you think we should attend this conference or not? plz reply something.
